WK's Coach's Tips

Glove Action and Pre-Pitch Preparation

Let's continue with our focus on infield defense. In the last tip, we talked about the glove and fielding position. This time we'll discuss glove action, pre-pitch movement and approach.

Glove Action

Pre-Pitch Movement


I cannot overemphasize the importance of footwork. Our feet are most important in successful fielding. They not only get us to the hop we want to catch which makes are hands better, but they also get us in position to make strong accurate throws. We judge ground balls with our eyes which relay a message to our feet (speed up, slow down etc.).

Anticipation is key to instinct and judgement. NEVER be suprised when the ball come your way. Anticipate the "game" before it occurs.

That's it for now. In the next session, we'll continue with infield development.

Keep your head in the game!


Updated September 7, 1998